Friday 30 March 2012

Haul part 2...

At about half past three today the door bell rang and i was ecstatic to see my Topshop order had come!
Online shopping really will be the death of my debit card.

(From left to right)
Lipstick - Crystal - £9
Lipstick - Brighton Rock - £8
Lip Stick - Hedonist - £7

(From left to right)
Cream Blush - Neon Rose - £6
Highlighter - Sunbeam - £9
Cream Blush - Flush - £6

(From left to right)
Small Cross earrings - £4
Crayon - Mystical - £7.50
Eye Ear Cuff earring - £6.50

I'm most probably going to be doing reviews on a few of these products but from what i've swatched so far i love ALL of these things! 
And i'm currently rocking a mixture of Hedonist Lip Stick and Brighton Rock Lipstick!
It's pretty fabulous! Xo

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